Keble Pub Quiz

Category: General Keble Pub Quiz

February 6, 2016 0
Keble Pub Quiz

February 12, 2016

Dear All,

On Friday 12th February the JCR will be holding one of Keble’s infamous “Pub quizzes” in the Bar and our very own Question-Master extraordinaire, Gerard McHugh, will be returning for the event and running the evening’s proceedings. The quiz will begin at 8:30pm and will run for approximately two hours. There will be a £1 buy-in and possibly some surprise prizes for those trickier questions. Each team is allowed a maximum of six participants so hopefully we will see lots of teams entered!

Looking forward to some healthy JCR-MCR-SCR-Staff competition!


Isobel Roberts Rajoo

JCR Vice President

Keble Bar

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